Company announcement

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 05:25:00 -0400

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 05:25:00 -0400

Novo Nordisk's sales increased by 29% in Danish kroner and by 33% at constant exchange rates to USD 24.2 billion in the first nine months of 2023

Financial report for the period 1 January 2023 to 30 September 2023

  • Operating profit increased by 31% in Danish kroner and by 37% at constant exchange rates (CER) to USD 11.0 billion. 
  • Sales in North America Operations increased by 46% in Danish kroner (49% at CER). Sales in International Operations increased by 12% in Danish kroner (17% at CER).
  • Sales within Diabetes and Obesity care increased by 36% in Danish kroner to USD 22.4 billion (40% at CER), mainly driven by GLP-1 diabetes sales growth of 45% in Danish kroner (49% at CER) and Obesity care growing by 167% in Danish Kroner to USD 4.4 billion (174% at CER). Rare disease sales decreased by 20% measured in Danish kroner (18% at CER) reflecting a temporary reduction in manufacturing output.
  • In October, Novo Nordisk announced that the semaglutide 1.0 mg kidney outcomes trial FLOW will be stopped based on an interim analysis due to efficacy following a recommendation from an independent data monitoring committee.  Further, Novo Nordisk announced the agreement to acquire ocedurenone for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
  • On 13 October, the 2023 outlook was raised with sales and operating profit growth at CER now expected to be 32-38% and 40-46%, respectively. Sales and operating profit growth reported in Danish kroner are now expected to be 4 and 7 percentage points lower than at CER, respectively.


Profit and Loss 9M 2023 9M 2022 Growth as reported Growth at CER*
USD million        
Net sales 24,404 18,406 29% 33%
Operating profit 11,027 8,245 31% 37%
Net profit 8,978 5,990 47% N/A
Diluted earnings per share (in USD) 1.99 1.32 49% N/A
* CER: Constant exchange rates (average 2022).

**For convenience, Danish kroner has been translated to USD in this release, using the average exchange rate of USD 1.0 = DKK 6.87478 and the period-end exchange rate of USD 1.0 = DKK 7.03898.

Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen, president and CEO: "We are very satisfied with the sales growth in the first nine months of 2023, which is reflecting that more people than ever are benefiting from our innovative diabetes and obesity treatments. Within R&D, we are pleased with the decision to stop the FLOW kidney outcomes trial early as semaglutide demonstrated a benefit in people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. The acquisition of ocedurenone for the treatment of cardiovascular disease supports our aspiration of establishing a presence in other serious chronic diseases with high unmet medical needs."

On 2 November 2023 at 13.00 CET, corresponding to 08.00 am EDT, an earnings call will be held. Investors will be able to listen in via a link on, which can be found under ‘Investors’.